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Social Media

The most cost-effective way to reach any audience is through social media. A company or organization without social media is merely playing catch up to their competitors who have embraced the art.

While extremely important, it does take a lot of time and effort to establish and maintain a professional, lasting presence on social media. Krol Media has the time, resources and know-how to get your social media presence up and running, thereby reaching your target audience and garnering an increased interest in your business.


Krol Media's Social Media Strategy:

Our strategy would be tailored to your specific needs as a brand. However, here are some of the basics of what we can do for you.

  • Establish or enhance your social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and any other social media platform based on what makes sense for your business

  • Create a number of weekly posts for your brand. We will find and create the content, and post to each respective social media site.


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(724)-713-4905 | Pittsburgh, PA | Krol Media Associates LLC

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